Symptoms Of Sex Addiction

This article will help you determine whether you suffer from symptoms of sex addiction or whether you just happen to (honestly and utterly) love sex.

If you're a real sex addict, you just can't get enough.

Anyone who thinks that sex addiction is one of the best things that can happen to a human being, is sadly mistaken. Due to his or her sex addiction, a patient loses himself or herself, his or her friends, relatives, partners, and jobs, so sex is quite similar to other drugs. A sex addict is only interested in sex and everything related to sex. Read on to recognise the symptoms of sex addiction before it is too late. The fact is that a sex addict, despite being unable to control his or her life, mostly doesn't want to admit he or she is addicted.

You're leading a double life

Your partner alone isn't enough for you. You often cheat on her or him, and have one or several lovers that you hide from others. You only meet them for sex, without which you feel you simply cannot survive. Many people cheat on their partners, but this doesn't mean they're addicted to sex. Beware if you know you only cheat because of sex, but you cannot help yourself, and if you hide this from yourself as well as others.

You're searching for sexual content all the time

Do you use every spare minute to search for sexual content? Do you even actively create such moments to be able to get to adult content – for instance, you don't appear at work, you don't hang out with your friends? You prefer devoting your time to pornography and searching dates on the internet? This is a clear symptom of sex addiction. You're not a person who just "likes" sexual content, but an individual who cannot live without sex and all the time thinks about the ways to have it.

You're putting your private and business life in danger

If you suffer from sex addiction, you're aware that what you're doing is somehow wrong, and you even have a guilty conscience, but you believe that having sex is worth risking everything: losing the relationship with your partner (because you lie and cheat), losing your job (because you don't come to work, or because you have sex at the workplace) and even losing your life (because of unprotected intercourse and changing your sexual partners).
Your sex addiction may have gone so far that owing to your behavior you've lost your partner and your job and you have already been tested in the hospital for infectious diseases a number of times, fearing for your life, but you still have risky sexual intercourse ... If that's so, you should definitely seek help immediately!

You're looking for sexual adventures

If you don't get what you want at home, or your partner doesn't really turn you on anymore, you look for action and excitement elsewhere – anywhere and with whomever. A sure symptom of sex addiction is that in fact no amount of erotic action will ever satisfy you. You always seek more and more and always something different. It happens to us all that the routine with our partner doesn't thrill us, but you have a big problem if making love never gives you what you want, if you're constantly looking for sex elsewhere and if you cannot stop.

You're breaking the law

As a true addict, you do whatever it takes to get what you need. You break the law, or you do something that is not banned, but which is still not socially desired – for instance, voyeurism, indecent telephone calls and similar. If you're often in trouble because of your sexual needs, this is definitely a sign that you need professional help.

A sure sign of sex addiction is losing control over one's life.

You know you're doing something wrong

Your behavior drives you crazy: you feel ashamed and guilty. You may even have thought of killing yourself because you cannot control the situation any more. You can be sure you show most serious symptoms of sex addictionwhich needs treatment. If you don't seek help, things will only get worse!

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