Find Your Favourite Sexual Record !
Along with the measurements of their own penises, men are also interested in how far they can "gush" when they come. Well, the farthest measured ejaculation by a man was 19.7 feet and the holder of this extraordinary record is Horst Schultz.Female ejaculation is fairly watery. Nevertheless, the farthest ejaculation by a woman was 9.8 feet.

The holder of the second incredible sexual record is Michelle Monahan from Los Angeles. Michelle managed to swallow a litre of semen, but after the courageous act the poor woman ended up in the emergency room where doctors had to empty her bowels. She's also the first woman who did such a thing, and she was thus awarded a prize for the woman who can swallow thelargest amount of semen.
Another girl set a record in having the largest number of different sexual partners in 24 hours. She managed to satisfy 620 men in a day. Men still lag behind in this area. Porn star Jon Dough intended to have sex with 101 women in 24 hours, but he managed to satisfy just 52 of them. He continued with the other half of women two weeks later.
The largest number of ejaculations that a man achieved in an hour was 16. Bravo!
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