joi, 29 aprilie 2010
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The female orgasm stirs our minds and imagination. It is much less visible, compared to the men's orgasm. It is mysterious and to a large extent yet unexplored. For this reason, there are still quite a few myths present as regards women and their sexuality.
According to Koedt, there exists only the clitoral orgasm
In the 1970s, feminist Anna Koedt aroused a lot of controversy by claiming there is only one real female orgasm, according to her opinion. This is the clitoral orgasm. Before her, the father of psychoanalysis claimed that the only real orgasm for women was the vaginal orgasm. Both of them derived their findings from the situation in the then society. Koedt's thesis on the clitoral orgasm was probably based on a desire to oppose the belief that women who do not experience vaginal orgasm are frigid.
The concept of frigidity
Of course, the time has passed since then. We still wonder about the female orgasm.How do you know she came?
Lack of knowledge about female sexuality is largely attributed to patriarchate, the dominance of men also in terms of production of knowledge, and the silence of women. Many times the conclusions of men were based on their own frustrations, which meant they understood and interpreted things in the wrong way. Men were the ones who defined women as frigid, an they still often draw support from Freud's beliefs. Relative lack of knowledge about the female anatomy has led to the psychiatric diagnosis of frigidity, which said that a woman was frigid because she was unable to adapt to the (inferior) social role of a woman. Frigidity was therefore a double burden for a woman, who was stamped by this diagnosis to be abnormal both physically and psychologically.
Vagina vs. clitoris
We therefore have two researchers. Her and him. They both come from their own time. She follows his discoveries. Later she opposes and supplements them. In any case, we should not take her or his research out of the then social context. He says the vagina is the centre, and she redirects attention to the clitoris. In the past, women were mainly presented as rather non-sexual beings, which was also the result of a high degree of frigidity that was measured by how many women experienced vaginal orgasm. Freud did not reach his conclusions on the basis of knowledge about the female anatomy but on the basis of speculation and a belief that women are inferior to men, on the basis of glorifying the almighty penis. The men’s rejection of the importance of the clitoris was probably also based on the fear that, once women would find out that the penis is not the only ride to heaven, they would reject them.
However, certain followers of Freud have (unfortunately) dealt with the female anatomy and even arrived at the conclusion that female frigidity can be healed with an operation, as the reason for frigidity was the fact that the clitoris and vagina are too far apart (by the way, wasn't that indirectly admitting the importance of the clitoris?). However, they were basically not interested in women. They only tried to shape the female body so as to finally suit their ideas.
Mutilation of the body is not the only damage they caused with their "scientific" work. They did even greater damage to the female psyche, to the self-image of women. Many women had a feeling of guilt because they did not manage that which was presumably natural for them. Thirdly, damage was also done in the sense that women were robbed of experiencing pleasure in sexual intercourse. At the beginning of marriage, many young women were told: “be patient, it won't last long”.
The female orgasm doesn't depend solely on either the vagina or the clitoris, the psychological and mental arousal, foreplay, or the penis size. Kinsey came to a conclusion in his tests that only 14% of women have intense feelings on the inside of the vagina. This is nothing terrible because the vagina also has a number of other functions, apart from sexual satisfaction (periods, birth etc.).

Does the vaginal orgasm depend on the G-spot?
Let's put another woman into the equation. Emmanuelle Jannini emphasises physical differences between women and says some women who have a pronounced G-spot are capable of experiencing the vaginal orgasm, while others can only experience the clitoral one. The conclusion could therefore be that the clitoral orgasm is more typical of all women and the vaginal one is rather an exception than a rule.
Glorifying one type of orgasm over another reminds me of the war of two worlds where only one can prevail and there is no room for compromise. The fact that remains is that the centre of the orgasm is difficult to pinpoint.
Trying to come to the bottom of the female orgasm seems absurd. Packing a woman into one clear frame seems a crime, as there is not only one type of a woman. This is perhaps the only mystery which you need to know about women.
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